Why should you as a business owner be concerned about search engine optimization(SEO)?
Because you want to provide visitors to your website with such a fantastic user experience that they will tell others.
Because you want to provide search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo critical information so they will place your site in the top 5 spots on the returns page.
Search engine take the information typed in by the users and locate the most relevant websites using those keywords. if you are not engaging in SEO, you are not on that first page of results. Let’s take a look at what can do for you.
Reasons to Invest in SEO Marketing
1. User Experience
SEO is ultimately about providing the user with the friendly, faster, best experience possible. A search engine wants to provide the user with what they are looking for, and when it can do that, both parties are happy. A happy visitor will become a returning visitor.
2. Reach
People unconsciously trust search engine results. If Google places your business in the top spot of a search, then it must have earned that place and it must be good.
3. Potential for Conversion
You just have to present yourself in one of those top 5 results. They were looking for you and you showed up right on time! You still have to convince them that you are the better company to purchase from, but half the battle is over. Once they come to your website, if you have invested the same tedious work to optimize the user’s experience with you by providing the content they seek, then you are well on your way to gaining a new customer.
4. Exposure for Brand Awareness
If you don’t see your business in Google search result then you need to do seo to solve this problem. If you don’t get proper exposure in Google then you don’t get any visitors because visitors convert into customers.
5. Insight into Your Customers
If your website is properly optimized, it will increase your search engine visibility, usability, and credibility, all of which increase traffic to your site.
It is possible to be on the first page of Google.


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