)Title tag:

HTML Title Tag Length

There are no hard and fast rules regarding the length of title and meta description tags. However the recommended length of title is somewhere between 65 to 70 characters including spaces, because more than this likely to be truncated in the search results. So try to keep the title length to 65 characters including spaces for best possible rendering. You can go up to 69 characters in total, but try not to exceed this.

<title> keyword text </title>

(2)HTML Meta Description Tag Length

The suggested length of meta description is somewhere between 155 to 160 characters including spaces. You can even use fewer characters and it works great if your descriptions looks appealing and read better but don’t try to create lengthy descriptions or description with more than 160 characters.

HTML lets you specify metadata – additional important information about a DOCUMENT  in a variety of ways. The META elements can be used to include name/value pairs describing properties of the HTML document, such as author, expiry date, a list of keyword, document author etc.

The <meta> tag is used to provide such additional information. This tag is an empty element and so does not have a closing tag but it carries information within its attributes.

You can include one or more meta tags in your document based on what information you want to keep in your document but in general, meta tags do not impact physical appearance of the document so from appearance point of view, it does not matter if you include them or not.


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