In talking with many webmasters, checking rankings, and traffic we have seen many changes since February 18, 2013.

Traffic has been rather odd this month with many websites having lower traffic than in January. This may have been due to recent Google panda updates. However, since yesterday traffic has been increasing and has increased even more today.
Search engine rankings have changed quite a bit from the past two weeks, which would definitely have an affect on traffic.
I talked to many webmasters and internet marketers this week to investigate how their traffic was in the month of February. They all said traffic was down until yesterday.
In talking with one of my clients today, they sent me an email around 5 p.m. stating that, “Thought you might like to know that today’s new apps were even better than yesterday… best since 1/24/13. Maybe Google’s made some changes.” Yesterday they reported that they received the most new apps in the entire month. And they got even more today, beating yesterdays numbers.


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